The Queue works like FIFO system , a first-in, first-out collection of Objects. Objects stored in a Queue are inserted at one end and removed from the other. The Queue provide additional insertion, extraction, and inspection operations. We can Enqueue (add) items in Queue and we can Dequeue (remove from Queue ) or we can Peek (that is we will get the reference of first item ) item from Queue. Queue accepts null reference as a valid value and allows duplicate elements.
Some important functions in the Queue Class are follows :
Enqueue : Add an Item in Queue
Dequeue : Remove the oldest item from Queue
Peek : Get the reference of the oldest item
Enqueue : Add an Item in Queue
Some important functions in the Queue Class are follows :
Enqueue : Add an Item in Queue
Dequeue : Remove the oldest item from Queue
Peek : Get the reference of the oldest item
Enqueue : Add an Item in Queue
Syntax : Queue.Enqueue(Object) Object : The item to add in QueueDequeue : Remove the oldest item from Queue (we don't get the item later)days.Enqueue("Sunday");
Syntax : Object Queue.Dequeue() Returns : Remove the oldest item and return.Peek : Get the reference of the oldest item (it is not removed permanently)days.Dequeue();
Syntax : Object Queue.Peek() returns : Get the reference of the oldest item in the Queuedays.peek();
The following CSharp Source code shows some of commonly used functions :