
Abstract factory pattern

Abstract factory is the extension of basic Factory pattern. It provides Factory interfaces for creating a family of related classes.a Ti provides a way to encapsulate a group of individual factories that have a common theme without specifying their concrete classes. In other words, here I am declaring interfaces for Factories, which will in turn work in similar fashion as with Factories.

/*Abstract factory pattern*/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace DesignPatterns.AbstractFactory
public class GenericFactory
where T : new()
public T CreateObject()
return new T();

public abstract class CarFactory
public abstract SportsCar CreateSportsCar();
public abstract FamilyCar CreateFamilyCar();

public abstract class FamilyCar
public abstract void Speed(SportsCar abstractFamilyCar);

public abstract class SportsCar

public class MercedesFactory : CarFactory
public override SportsCar CreateSportsCar()
return new MercedesSportsCar();

public override FamilyCar CreateFamilyCar()
return new MercedesFamilyCar();

class MercedesSportsCar : SportsCar

class MercedesFamilyCar : FamilyCar
public override void Speed(SportsCar abstractSportsCar)
Console.WriteLine(GetType().Name + " is slower than "
+ abstractSportsCar.GetType().Name);

public class Driver
private CarFactory _carFactory;
private SportsCar _sportsCar;
private FamilyCar _familyCar;

public Driver(CarFactory carFactory)
CarFactory = carFactory;
SportsCar = CarFactory.CreateSportsCar();
FamilyCar = CarFactory.CreateFamilyCar();

private CarFactory CarFactory
get { return _carFactory; }
set { _carFactory = value; }

private SportsCar SportsCar
get { return _sportsCar; }
set { _sportsCar = value; }

private FamilyCar FamilyCar
get { return _familyCar; }
set { _familyCar = value; }

public void CompareSpeed()

The factory method is also implemented using common interface each of which returns objects.

// Abstract factory using common interface
public interface IFactory1
IPeople GetPeople();
public class Factory1 : IFactory1
public IPeople GetPeople()
return new Villagers();

public interface IFactory2
IProduct GetProduct();
public class Factory2 : IFactory2
public IProduct GetProduct()
return new IPhone();

public abstract class AbstractFactory12
public abstract IFactory1 GetFactory1();
public abstract IFactory2 GetFactory2();

public class ConcreteFactory : AbstractFactory12

public override IFactory1 GetFactory1()
return new Factory1();

public override IFactory2 GetFactory2()
return new Factory2();

The following is the real word example to abstract factory pattern, which makes it much easier to understand.

// Abstract Factory pattern -- Real World example

namespace Abstract.RealWorldExample


/// MainApp startup class for Real-World
/// Abstract Factory Design Pattern.

class MainApp

/// Entry point into console application.

public static void Main()

// Create and run the African animal world
ContinentFactory africa = new AfricaFactory();
AnimalWorld world = new AnimalWorld(africa);

// Create and run the American animal world
ContinentFactory america = new AmericaFactory();
world = new AnimalWorld(america);

// Wait for user input

/// The 'AbstractFactory' abstract class

abstract class ContinentFactory
public abstract Herbivore CreateHerbivore();
public abstract Carnivore CreateCarnivore();

/// The 'ConcreteFactory1' class

class AfricaFactory : ContinentFactory
public override Herbivore CreateHerbivore()
return new Wildebeest();


public override Carnivore CreateCarnivore()
return new Lion();


/// The 'ConcreteFactory2' class

class AmericaFactory : ContinentFactory
public override Herbivore CreateHerbivore()
return new Bison();

public override Carnivore CreateCarnivore()
return new Wolf();

/// The 'AbstractProductA' abstract class

abstract class Herbivore


/// The 'AbstractProductB' abstract class

abstract class Carnivore
public abstract void Eat(Herbivore h);

/// The 'ProductA1' class

class Wildebeest : Herbivore


/// The 'ProductB1' class

class Lion : Carnivore
public override void Eat(Herbivore h)
// Eat Wildebeest
Console.WriteLine(this.GetType().Name + " eats " + h.GetType().Name);

/// The 'ProductA2' class

class Bison : Herbivore


/// The 'ProductB2' class

class Wolf : Carnivore
public override void Eat(Herbivore h)
// Eat Bison
Console.WriteLine(this.GetType().Name + " eats " + h.GetType().Name);

/// The 'Client' class

class AnimalWorld
private Herbivore _herbivore;
private Carnivore _carnivore;

// Constructor
public AnimalWorld(ContinentFactory factory)
_carnivore = factory.CreateCarnivore();
_herbivore = factory.CreateHerbivore();

public void RunFoodChain()
