
Format the date and time

This C# code snippet displays the date and time in various formats.
using System;
using C = System.Console; 
static void Main() {
   DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;
   C.WriteLine ("d = {0:d}", dateTime );  // mm/dd/yyyy
   C.WriteLine ("D = {0:D}", dateTime );  // month dd, yyyy
   C.WriteLine ("f = {0:f}", dateTime );  // day, month dd, yyyy hh:mm 
   C.WriteLine ("F = {0:F}", dateTime );  // day, month dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss AM/PM 
   C.WriteLine ("g = {0:g}", dateTime );  // mm/dd/yyyy HH:mm
   C.WriteLine ("G = {0:G}", dateTime );  // mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
   C.WriteLine ("M = {0:M}", dateTime );  // month dd
   C.WriteLine ("R = {0:R}", dateTime );  // ddd Month yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT
   C.WriteLine ("s = {0:s}", dateTime );  // yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (Sortable)
   C.WriteLine ("t = {0:t}", dateTime );  // hh:mm AM/PM
   C.WriteLine ("T = {0:T}", dateTime );  // hh:mm:ss AM/PM
   // yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (Sortable)
   C.WriteLine ("u = {0:u}", dateTime );  
   // day, month dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM
   C.WriteLine ("U = {0:U}", dateTime );
   // month, yyyy (March, 2006)
   C.WriteLine ("Y = {0:Y}", dateTime );  
   C.WriteLine ("Month = " + dateTime.Month); // month number (3)
   // day of week name (Friday)
   C.WriteLine ("Day Of Week = " + dateTime.DayOfWeek);     
   // 24 hour time (16:12:11)
   C.WriteLine ("Time Of Day = " + dateTime.TimeOfDay);     
   // (632769991310000000)
   C.WriteLine("DateTime.Ticks = " + dateTime.Ticks);   
   // Ticks are the number of 100 nanosecond intervals since 01/01/0001 12:00am
   // Ticks are useful in elapsed time measurement.