using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory;
using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;
namespace ActiveDirectory_User
class Program
// our User class
public class User
// our user variables
public string Firstname;
public string Lastname;
public string LoginId;
public string Department;
public string Office;
public string EmailAddress;
public bool IsDisabled;
// Default constructor for our user object
public User() { }
// Custom constructor that takes a set of parameters and sets the respective variable - notice how I change
// the variable from camelCase to PascalCase - this is how I program, you do not have to do this but do get in to a
// habit of standardising your code variables
public User(string firstName, string lastName, string loginId, string department, string office, string emailAddress)
Firstname = firstName;
Lastname = lastName;
LoginId = loginId;
Department = department;
Office = office;
EmailAddress = emailAddress;
// user method one (CreateAccount)
public bool CreateAccount()
// wrap our connection in a try catch block which will safeguard us against application crash if for example we can't connect to AD
string FullPath = "LDAP://PLABDC01/ou=" + Department + ",dc=PRACTICELABS,dc=COM";
// Active directory connection
DirectoryEntry Directory = new DirectoryEntry(FullPath, "Administrator", "Passw0rd");
// New user
DirectoryEntry NewUser = Directory.Children.Add("CN=" + LoginId, "user");
// givenName is first name
NewUser.Properties["givenName"].Value = Firstname;
// sn is last name
NewUser.Properties["sn"].Value = Lastname;
// login id
NewUser.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value = LoginId;
// office
NewUser.Properties["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"].Value = Office;
// commit the new user
// update the user to be enabled, here we CAST the value as an integer (i.e. we instruct the compiler that the return type value will be an int.
// casting this will cause exceptions if the return type is not what you specify so beware!
int val = (int)NewUser.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value;
NewUser.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value = val & ~0x2;
// everything worked ok, return a value of true
return true;
catch (Exception error)
// an error occured, write the error message out and return a value of false
Console.Write("An error occured while creating user:{0} {1}: \n{2}", Firstname, Lastname, error.Message);
return false;
// user method that searches active directory to find our account and then disable it
public bool DisableAccount()
// wrap our method in a try catch block in case it fails when we connect to AD or something
// attach to AD
DirectoryEntry Directory = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://dc=PRACTICELABS,dc=COM");
// create an AD search object
DirectorySearcher SearchAD = new DirectorySearcher(Directory);
// add our filter which is our login id
SearchAD.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + LoginId + ")";
SearchAD.CacheResults = false;
// get the result
SearchResult Result = SearchAD.FindOne();
Directory = Result.GetDirectoryEntry();
// if we get the result, disable the account and commit the changes
Directory.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value = 0x0002;
return true;
catch (Exception error)
// oh dear something went wrong, again write the error message out including the login id
Console.WriteLine("An error occured when disabling this user:{0}\n{1}", LoginId, error.Message);
return false;
static void Main(string[] args)
// create our OU's
string[] Departments = { "Marketing", "Sales", "Human Resources" };
foreach (string dept in Departments)
// generate our random users - this populates AD
List MyRandomUsers = GenerateRandomUserAccounts();
// write our user information to the console so we can see the users that were created
foreach (User u in MyRandomUsers)
Console.WriteLine((u.Firstname + " " + u.Lastname).PadRight(18, ' ') + u.Department.PadRight(18, ' ') + u.Office);
// disable every other account
int Count = 0;
foreach (User u in MyRandomUsers)
if (Count % 2 == 0)
if (u.DisableAccount())
Console.WriteLine("Disabled: {0} {1} in department: {2}", u.Firstname, u.Lastname, u.Department);
Console.WriteLine("Failed to disable: {0} {1} in department: {2}", u.Firstname, u.Lastname, u.Department);
// this is an added function not explained in the tutorial, for more information see the explaination of the code beloew
// write out the users (proves the update of the IsDisabled flag of the user object
foreach (User u in MyRandomUsers)
if (u.IsDisabled)
Console.WriteLine("Account:{0} is disabled", u.LoginId);
// wait for a keypress so everything doesnt disapear
public static void UpdateDisabled(List users)
Console.WriteLine("Updating disabled accounts");
foreach (User u in users)
DirectoryEntry Directory = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://dc=PRACTICELABS,dc=COM");
DirectorySearcher Search = new DirectorySearcher(Directory);
Search.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + u.LoginId + ")";
Search.CacheResults = false;
SearchResult Result = Search.FindOne();
Directory = Result.GetDirectoryEntry();
object o = Directory.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value;
// (514 = disabled)
if ((int)Directory.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value == 514)
// this account is disabled
u.IsDisabled = true;
// this account is not disabled
u.IsDisabled = false;
catch (Exception error)
Console.WriteLine("An error occured when disabling this user:{0}\n{1}", u.LoginId, error.Message);
public static void CreateOU(string ou)
if (!DirectoryEntry.Exists("LDAP://PLABDC01/ou=" + ou + ",dc=PRACTICELABS,dc=COM"))
DirectoryEntry ActiveDirectory = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://PLABDC01/dc=PRACTICELABS,dc=COM", "Administrator", "Passw0rd");
DirectoryEntry NewOU = ActiveDirectory.Children.Add("OU=" + ou, "OrganizationalUnit");
Console.WriteLine("Created OU:{0}", ou);
catch (Exception error)
Console.WriteLine("An error occured while creating group:{0} :\n{1}", ou, error.Message);
Console.WriteLine("OU already exists");
catch (Exception error)
Console.WriteLine("We couldnt connect to AD! Is the server powered on?. Exception generated was\n{0}", error.Message);
public static List GenerateRandomUserAccounts()
List RandomUsers = new List();
string[] Firstnames = { "Bart", "Homer", "Maggie", "Marge", "Lisa", "Ned" }; // our firstname
string[] Lastnames = { "Simpson", "Flanders", "Smith" }; // our lastname
string[] Departments = { "Marketing", "Sales", "Human Resources" }; // our OU
string[] Offices = { "London", "New York", "Hong Kong", "Japan" }; // our office
Random RandomNumber = new Random();
foreach (string l in Lastnames)
foreach (string f in Firstnames)
int DepartmentId = RandomNumber.Next(0, Departments.Length);
int OfficeId = RandomNumber.Next(0, Offices.Length);
User NewUser = new User(f, l, f + "." + l, Departments[DepartmentId], Offices[OfficeId], f + "." + l + "");
if (NewUser.CreateAccount())
Console.WriteLine("Created user OK:" + f + " " + l);
return RandomUsers;