using System; namespace CdoSys { class Class1 { static void Main(string[] args) { try { CDO.Message oMsg = new CDO.Message(); CDO.IConfiguration iConfg; iConfg = oMsg.Configuration; ADODB.Fields oFields; oFields = iConfg.Fields; // Set configuration. ADODB.Field oField = oFields[""]; //TODO: To send by using the smart host, uncomment the following lines: //oField.Value = CDO.CdoSendUsing.cdoSendUsingPort; //oField = oFields[""]; //oField.Value = "smarthost"; // TODO: To send by using local SMTP service. //oField = oFields[""]; //oField.Value = 1; oFields.Update(); // Set common properties from message. //TODO: To send text body, uncomment the following line: //oMsg.TextBody = "Hello, how are you doing?"; //TODO: To send HTML body, uncomment the following lines: //String sHtml; //sHtml = "\n" + // "\n" + // "Sample GIF \n" + // "\n" + // "\n" + // "
Inline graphics
\n" + // "\n" + // ""; //oMsg.HTMLBody = sHtml; //TOTO: To send WEb page in an e-mail, uncomment the following lines and make changes in TODO section. //TODO: Replace with your preferred Web page //oMsg.CreateMHTMLBody("", // CDO.CdoMHTMLFlags.cdoSuppressNone, // "", ""); oMsg.Subject = "Test SMTP"; //TODO: Change the To and From address to reflect your information. oMsg.From = ""; oMsg.To = ""; //ADD attachment. //TODO: Change the path to the file that you want to attach. oMsg.AddAttachment("C:\\Hello.txt", "", ""); oMsg.AddAttachment("C:\\Test.doc", "", ""); oMsg.Send(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught.", e); } return; } } }