using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; namespace ExceptionReflection { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // load the assemblies to analyze LoadAssemblies(); ArrayList ExceptionTree = new ArrayList(); foreach (Assembly Assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { foreach (Type Type in Assembly.GetTypes()) { if (!Type.IsClass || !Type.IsPublic) continue; StringBuilder TypeHierarchy = new StringBuilder(Type.FullName, 5000); Boolean IsDerivedFromException = false; Type BaseType = Type.BaseType; while ((BaseType != null) && !IsDerivedFromException) { TypeHierarchy.Append("-" + BaseType); IsDerivedFromException = (BaseType == typeof(Exception)); BaseType = BaseType.BaseType; } if (!IsDerivedFromException) continue; String[] Hierarchy = TypeHierarchy.ToString().Split('-'); Array.Reverse(Hierarchy); ExceptionTree.Add(String.Join ("-", Hierarchy, 1, Hierarchy.Length - 1)); ExceptionTree.Sort(); foreach (String Identifier in ExceptionTree) { String[] Trace = Identifier.Split('-'); Console.WriteLine(new String(' ', 3*Trace.Length) + Trace[Trace.Length-1]); } } } Console.ReadLine(); } static void LoadAssemblies() { String[] Assemblies = { /* uncomment as needed */ //"System, PublicKeyToken={0}", //"System.Data, PublicKeyToken={0}", //"System.Design, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.DirectoryServices, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.Drawing, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.Drawing.Design, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.EnterpriseServices, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.Management, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.messaging, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.Runtime.Remoting, PublicKeyToken={0}", //"System.Security, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.serviceProcess, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.Web, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.Web.RegularExpressions, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.Web.Services, PublicKeyToken={1}", //"System.Windows.Forms, PublicKeyToken={0}", //"System.Xml, PublicKeyToken={0}", "MSCorLib, PublicKeyToken={0}" }; // change this if you want to use assemblies that are not from microsoft String EcmaPublicKeyToken = "B77A5C561934E089"; String MSPublicKeyToken = "B03F5F7F11D50A3A"; // get the newest version Version Version = typeof(System.Object).Assembly.GetName().Version; // load the assemblies foreach (String AssemblyName in Assemblies) { String AssemblyIdentity = String.Format(AssemblyName, EcmaPublicKeyToken, MSPublicKeyToken) + ", Culture=neutral, Version=" + Version; Assembly.Load(AssemblyIdentity); } } } }
List All Assembly exceptions
This C# program lists the exceptions available within an assembly.
Tip: call it from the command line with C:\ExceptionReflection.exe > Exceptions.txt.