
Create an indexer property

This C# code snippet creates an indexer property which can be used to access the class as if it were an array. The Dictionary is not required, but is used only as example. Any class which can be viewed logically as an array could have an indexer.
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Client
   private Dictionary invoices 
      = new Dictionary();
   public void Add (int id, string value)
      { invoices.Add (id, value); }
   public string this [int id]      // indexer
      get { return invoices[id]; }
      set { invoices[id] = value; }
public class Test
   public static void Main( )
      Client client = new Client();
      client.Add (1, "I005238A");
      Console.WriteLine ("Invoice: " + client[1]); // indexer access